Club Structure

Larkfield Swimming Club is structured to promote and enhance our members experience of Competitive Swimming.  Swimming with similar ability and focused aims, enables our coaches to nurture our swimmers to their optimum ability, irrespective of age.  That having been said, this does not detract from the fun and positive social aspects enjoyed by our members.  

Academy 1            Our Academy 1 swims 30 mins per week, on a Tuesday 7.00-7.30 p.m.  Expectation is to learn four good strokes and the introduction to turns and dives, as well as mobility and safety (lane etiquette). 

Academy 2              Our Academy 2 swims 2 hours per week, on a Tuesday 7.00-8.00pm & Sunday 5.00-6.00pm. Expectation to further develop their skills taught in Academy 1, and to learn competition dives and turns.

Development         The Development Squad swims 3 hours per week.  Swimmers are expected to achieve a minimum training standard (i.e. keep up with their peers!).  They are required to swim 3 hours a week, as progression cannot be achieved without this minimum attendance.  Development Squad are expected to compete in league galas if they are asked to do so, as well as Mini Galas and Club Championships.  Majority of galas are held on Saturday evenings.  

Bronze Squad        Bronze Squad also swim 3 hours per week.  Bronze are expected to achieve a minimum training standard and a minimum of 3 hours a week is a prerequisite.  Bronze are expected to compete in galas and Open Meets.  In Bronze they will fine tune their skills further with the goal to achieve faster times in competitions.   

Silver Squad          Silver Squad are expected to swim 4 hours per week.  This may be increased if it is felt the swimmer needs a little extra pool time to attain Gold Squad.  Silver Squad will also be expected to attend land training and flexibility sessions prior to training. This is an important aspect that minimises injury, so attendance will be taken seriously.  Silver are expected to maintain a minimum training standard and attend 4 hours a week regularly, plus the dry time.  Silver are expected to compete in galas and Open Meets.  

Gold Squad            Gold Squad are expected to swim a minimum of 7 hours per week.  Gold will be expected to attend land training and flexibility sessions prior to training.  This is an important aspect that minimises injury, so attendance is taken seriously.  Gold are expected to maintain a minimum training standard and attend 7 water hours a week regularly, plus the dry time.  Gold are expected to compete in galas, Open Meets, Medway Championships, Kent County Championships and South East Regional Championships  


Progression through the squads (or Pathway) is based on times achieved; attendance; training ability; application and attitude.  These elements, along with determination, enable our swimmers to achieve their goals. Progression itself is meant to be motivational, when the children aspire to the next level.    We hope parents will support their children by ferrying them on time and encouraging them to be the best they can be.  

The schedule for the Squad sessions is outlined below.   

   Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Sunday
7 - 7.30 Academy 1 (Teaching pool)
7 - 8pm Gold / Bronze / Development

Academy 2

 No Training Development / Gold Silver / Bronze 5 - 6pm Academy 2
8 - 9pm  Gold / Silver Gold / Silver  No Training  Gold / Masters  Gold 6 - 7pm Silver / Bronze / Development
7 - 8pm Gold 



Larkfield Swimming Club, Larkfield SC, Swimming In Kent, Swimming In Maidstone